(Psst) With the right system, social media ads can magnify your sales

...Even if you’re new to ads, dread “tech” or have been fed snake oil

Boo, I understand your frustration. You’ve: 

  • Tried boosting Facebook posts, which felt like setting fire to your money

  • Invested in other courses that are still sitting unfinished - in Teachable and Kajabi

  • Downloaded PDFs on growing sales with social yet still feel lost 

  • Seen other people claim “I got rich!” with ads - and wonder if it’s really possible


Hold up for a minute because here’s the truth: 


You don’t have to be “techy” or “right-brained” to multiply sales from Facebook ads

You don’t need to be a “growth hack” marketer or Silicon Valley whiz to make money with Facebook ads.

Even if you’ve lost money on ads in past, they CAN still work for you. 

Any driven entrepreneur can learn to do this, even if they aren’t a “math person” or have no design background. 

Buttercup, let’s take the pain out of campaign


Putting together effective ad copy and audiences can feel as breezy as the ocean outside my Hawaii window. 
Because if I was able to figure out these strategies and execute them while: 
  • Running a non-profit in addition to my business 
  • Raising 2 kids as a single mom 
  • Hitting the gym on the daily
  • Hustling a full-time second job 
Even if time feels tight, you CAN execute these strategies that rapidly grow ads fueling your dream business. All you have to do is follow this roadmap like it’s a “Welcome to Hawaii!” pamphlet.


"Toccara Karizma is the BEST teacher! You to check this out - friends with businesses who want to get results, this is a LIVE MUST HAVE training course! Seriously, you know I don’t promote anything unless I have tried it myself, and I have, and she has taught me sooo much already in just a few classes."

Lianna Stewart-Burton

With a wink and a wave, lemme introduce: Social Savvy

The ultimate Facebook ad course for go-getting Ecommerce brands, online entrepreneurs and social media savants

You’ll also receive stuff you don’t need proven tools I use to help clients increase revenue up to 600% 

Like my overflowing basket after the farmer’s market,   
Get LOADED with BONUSES that ensure success

âś“  Bonus Training: 15 website conversion rate optimization strategies to instantly boost your website sales
(Value: $495)
âś“ Copywriting Workshop: How to Write Ads That Convert
(Value: $695)
âś“ The Ultimate Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to "Plug and Play" Expert Copywriting in Minutes
(Value: $995)
âś“ Masterclass: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free
(Value: $895)
âś“ Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey
(Value: $495)
âś“  My exact strategy for growing a Facebook Group to over 50,000 members (and generating over 6 figures in 2 hours
($495 Value)

Total Value of Bonuses: $4,070.00

You instantly get access to everything below with your Social Savvy Purchase

In this jam-packed system, you’ll be shown every step to build your first ad and every ad after that, so you build an audience of fans who can’t WAIT to purchase from you. 

In 7 modules, you’re shown through every nuance like I’m right there with you. 

(And with most of my clients spending anywhere from $50,000 - $150,000 a year to work with me, this is you getting access to the exact strategies I use with them for an unbelievable rate).

Is this the best digital marketing course for you?

Here’s what's waiting inside for you:

  • Lesson 1: Campaign Level
  • Lesson 2: Ad Set Level
  • Lesson 3: Ad Level
  • Lesson 4: Naming Conventions
  • Lesson 5: UTM Parameters
  • Lesson 1: Pixel Setup
  • Lesson 2: Custom Conversions Setup
  • Lesson 3: How to Use Facebook Analytics
  • Lesson 4: How to Customize Columns
  • Lesson 5: Custom Columns Defined
  • Lesson 6: How to Read Data
  • Lesson 1: How to Setup Cold Audiences
  • Lesson 2: How to Setup Lookalike Audiences
  • Lesson 3: How to Setup Warm Audiences
  • Lesson 4: How to Check Audience Overlap
  • Lesson 1: How to Use Audience Insights
  • Lesson 2: The CAR Method (Customer Avatar Research)
  • Lesson 3: The COW Method (Customers’ Own Words)
  • Lesson 4: The FAST Method (Facebook Ads Swipe Template)
  • Lesson 1: What is a Sales Funnel
  • Lesson 2: Sales Funnel Examples
  • Lesson 3: Sales Funnel Spreadsheet
  • Lesson 4: How to Create a Funnel Map
  • Lesson 5: Facebook Ad Calculator

Grab my proven system like it's a freshly made green smoothie

1 Payment




Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


2 Monthly Payments




Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


3 Monthly Payments



Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


What's Included:

  • Lifetime Access to Social Savvy, The Ultimate Facebook Ads Course (Value: $1,425) 
  • Lifetime Access to the Social Savvy Members-Only Facebook Community (Value: $995) 


  • Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)
  • Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)
  • Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)
  • Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)
  • Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)
  • Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490

Hop into the course NOW!

"I have now watched the deep dive into data recording, and just wanted to say it was excellent! Lots of good practical information, as a result of which I have been able to get my data organized into a much more useful format which will be of huge help in monitoring and evaluating campaigns. Thank you!"

Alan Craig

But will this work for me?

I know you don’t want to work for someone else. (It’s why I got into ads, too. ;) 

I know that this feels like a complicated skillset, but I promise I make every step EASY. 

I know your time is precious. 

That’s why this is a no-fluff course that maximizes every minute. I may live in Hawaii but this course ain’t on island time...It’s go-getter, get sales FAST time.

As long as you’re dedicated and have an open mind, I can teach you.

If you have a product or service that sells already, you can be shown how to scale it with these methods.

Your clients and customers love you. Now, it’s time for other people to learn about your unique offers!

FULL DISCLAIMER: This isn’t for every entrepreneur on the internet.

This is NOT for you if:

You aren’t willing to put in the work to set up the ads and follow my tutorials.

You will give up after the first feeling of stress or limiting beliefs.

Your clients and customers love you. Now, it’s time for other people to learn about your unique offers!

The right ads fuel the dream life that’s already within your grasp

Whether you want to book a plane ticket to Paris, spend more time with your family or buy that dream art piece you have been eye-ing for months - 

Those desires on your vision board are so dang close. 

Imma guess one big concern.

Learning how to use Facebook ads let me quit my 9 - 5, travel Southeast Asia and never miss another one of my kids' school performances ever again

Here’s the real deal: Within 1 year of developing these methods, I was able to use ads to grow my business in a way that let me: 

  • Quit my job knowing my family was set

  • Spend time being present with my kids (vs. rushing to find babysitters)

  • Travel twice a month (because my office is my laptop)

  • Take my kids and myself to 8 countries, the business constantly earning revenue from ads (Vietnam, Thailand and Japan - to name a few spots ;) 

That’s why I’m so passionate about the power of social media marketing. 

It’s so much more than a pile of metrics.

“How long does this take?!”

Simply jam out like a Netflix Binge

I know your calendar is packed with checking email, meetings and hoping to make that workout class. 

That’s why this course cuts the snake-oil “sound fancy” lingo and walks through only tactics you need. These work for my clients again and again and can change your business (and the lives of those you serve) for ever.

Every module is handed to you the MOMENT you sign up. 

Take your time or binge the content across a weekend. You could have that very first ad set up within 48 hours if you devoted a weekend to this process vs. binging Tiger King. 

If you follow this system to the letter?

Within 1 week, you’ll have your first ad up

For proven offers: Within 1 month, see heightened traction and sales


You already have that offer or are managing social media for someone who has an offer that customers love. The missing link is knowing what ads, with the right media buying techniques, will get MORE of your ideal clients jumping at the opportunity to snag what you're offering.




What is a risk, however, is spending another week, month or year searching tactics on Youtube and downloading freebie after freebie. 

Let’s be honest: Most freebies and checklists stay in your inbox and don’t make it to a real ad.

A full roadmap is needed to show every single step, so there’s absolutely no guessing.

(In my most giddy voice)

One more time, here’s what you get, love

âś“ All 7 proven-to-work modules that you get INSTANT access to
âś“ Bonus Training: 50 website conversion rate optimization strategies to instantly boost your website sales (Value: $497)
âś“  The Ultimate FB Copywriting Masterclass so you know what words convert (Value: $297)
âś“  15 "Plug and Play" Resources to Help You Write Irresistible Ad Copy in Minutes (Value: $197)
âś“  Expert Custom and Lookalike Audiences Every Marketer Should Use (Value: $97)
âś“  My exact strategy for growing a Facebook Group to 50,000 members (and generating over 6 figures in 2 hours ($497 Value)


Grab my proven system like it's a freshly made green smoothie

1 Payment




Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


2 Monthly Payments




Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


3 Monthly Payments



Lifetime Access to Social Savvy (Value: $1,425)

Lifetime Access to Social Savvy Facebook Community  (Value: $995)


Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)

Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)

Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)

Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)

Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)

Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490


What's Included:

  • Lifetime Access to Social Savvy, The Ultimate Facebook Ads Course (Value: $1,425) 
  • Lifetime Access to the Social Savvy Members-Only Facebook Community (Value: $995) 


  • Training: The Exact Strategy We Used to Grow a Facebook Group to Over 50,000 Members (Value: $695)
  • Masterclass: Step-by-Step: How We Got Over 19,000 Leads and 5,000 Instagram Followers for Free (Value: $895)
  • Webinar: The ABC Method to Selling Online Without Being Salesey (Value: $495)
  • Workshop: How to Write Ad Copy That Converts (Value: $695)
  • Copywriting Resources Swipe File: Everything You Need to Automate Expert Copywriting in Minutes (Value: $995)
  • Bonus Training: 15 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Instantly Boost Your Website Sales (Value: $495)

Total Value: $6,490

Seize this chance, buttercup!